Welcome to Landro Inner Circle!

Let me ask you a quick question:

How would you like to earn $5,000/month from each and every consulting client you land?

$5,000 per month is about the average I have been earning from consulting clients over the past year.

Now, you may find it more surprising that I did not upsell any of these clients. They came to me looking for my help. And in this post, you’re not only going to learn how I’m earning this much, but the biggest sales mistake you must avoid if you want clients coming to you for answers.

Listen: Using this strategy on consulting clients means you could be earning $60,000 a year from each local business that hires you.

Taking on just 2 clients is all it would take to earn $120,000 this year; a true six-figure salary for what is only three days of work each week.

Do you want to earn $120,000 per year
and work 3 days a week?

Here’s the deal: Nearly every business needs a combination of different services in order to grow.

Whether its SEO, mobile apps, reputation management, hosting, social media management, or e-commerce – every business is different.

Most consultants ignore this fact and just pitch whatever system or solution that THEY want to sell. Big Mistake.

This tactic would only close the handful of the businesses that just happen to need the product you are selling.

The majority of businesses will just ignore you, even though they probably need something else, and would have done business with you had you simply offered it.

Look: The real secret to earning thousands, and even tens of thousands in monthly fees from a business is to find out what they need before you try to offer them a solution!

This is surprisingly easy, as long as you ask the right ‘problem‘ questions at the beginning of any client conversation. All you have to do is find a solution to the problems that the client is having, and then charge the client a monthly fee to implement that solution.

There’s very little selling involved when you
offer something an owner already wants…

Think about it: These ‘problem’ questions that you’ll learn are like windows into a client’s mind, allowing you to discover the things that any business owner is already shopping for and eager to pay big bucks to anyone who can deliver.

And once a business owner learns that you are the go-to guy that can solve any business problem, they will request everything they need from you.

Heck – I’ve even had business owners ask me for weight loss advice because I always seem to have solutions for them.

Being a consultant is more fun when you can work with fewer, more loyal clients, and spend your time helping them grow their business, instead of trying to sell new clients on the latest gimmick.

Running my consulting business this way over the last few years has allowed me to accumulate a number of solutions for almost any problem a business owner could possibly have. Whether it’s SEO, lead generation, handling bad reviews, or generating more foot traffic, I’ve built a collection of software, checklists, guides, and outsourcers to handle nearly every possible request.

This collection grows as my consulting business gains new clients and it has been helpful when hiring new outsourcers to do the work for me.

I started to give some of my coaching students access to this collection as well, to see if they could duplicate my success and earn more money from their clients.

One of my students Scott Williams from Lake Park GA, recently used these proposals on some of his clients. The most Scott had ever collected from a business owner before was $1,500, and many of his clients hadn’t spoken to him in over 6 months. They simply wanted to buy anything from Scott, no matter what he offered.

With nothing to lose, he sent each client, and a handful of new businesses one of my copy-paste email questionnaires. To his surprise, nearly 40% of the people he emailed sent him a message back, listing all of the things they are looking to buy for their business. Most of the services they wanted were things that Scott never considered selling before.

For many of the client’s requests, Scott was able to use my pre-packaged software and solutions. He shared the remainder of the client’s requests with me, and I helped him come up with custom solutions he could sell. This helped Scott to earn 5-10k from each client.

This was more than he was earning from his entire business the previous months when he spent most of his time trying to ‘sell’ businesses the latest and greatest marketing gimmick.

And Scott is not alone…

I’ve had students earning $5-10k a month since joining this membership.

Like member Solo Warrior who posted this about one of my programs:

Or member Lee Nazal who posted this success story after making over $30k his first month:

Member Judy who shared her experience with my training and coaching:

And Joseph Avery (a complete novice) emailed me to say that he sent out three emails on a Tuesday night, and got a $497 payment by noon the next day:

Now I want to give you the chance to earn $5,000 per client as a consultant.

Before we begin I have to warn you, this is not for everyone. If you are already earning over $5,000 per month from each consulting client, or if you are the type of person who will download these assets and not take any action, then offer is simply not for you.

However, if you are able to reach out to a handful of businesses using copy and paste templates and if you are willing to work with a handful of long term clients for high monthly fees, then this is not just another solution for you…

This is the only solution you will ever need…

Here’s what you are getting when you become a Gold Member of The Landro Inner Circle:

The questionnaires and scripts that can uncover what a business owner is looking to buy after a single call or email (students have been getting a 40-60% response rate from these copy-paste templates)…

Every piece of software and service guide I use to sell and service my consulting clients…

Walk-through training videos and software that will allow you to become an instant expert… 

Reservation systems for the food service businesses with a turn-key marketing strategy that is irresistible to restaurant owners, making your job super easy…

Appointment setting and marketing software you can sell to medial professionals and a complete script to get them saying “YES” to paying you…

Web design themes and template for a huge variety of mom and pop stores and local businesses…

SEO checklists and plugins that are guaranteed to rank any website to the first page of Google’s results…

Mobile templates that allow you to build fully functional mobile apps for clients in 5 minutes without writing a single line of code… 

And as a member of the Landro Inner Circle Gold Membership, you are also getting access to every product I have ever produced, and free access to any product and upgrades I produce in the future.

The Total Value Of Everything In This Membership
Is Easily Over $20,000 And Growing!

You’ll also discover the free online lead sources I use to find new clients that have been getting me an unheard of 60% response rate with this method…

You’re also getting access to all of my field-tested sales presentations and scripts that can sell any service your client needs, as well as work agreements to make everything official so you can rest easy knowing that you have been paid…

To help you grow your consulting business, you’re also getting my complete Rolodex of outsourcers who can do all the work of servicing and selling new clients for you.

After all – outsourcing is the real secret to working smarter, and not harder. You just need to know which outsourcers to hire, and this Rolodex includes top outsourcers so you know that they can deliver top quality.

Remember: sending these questionnaires out to a business will uncover all of the services that a business is looking and willing to spend big money on.

All you have to do is open a priority gold member support ticket, post the business’s response to the questionnaire, and I will help you put together a package to sell them on paying you $5,000 per month to implement.

There is no easier or more guaranteed way
to earn money as a consultant.

Now, I have been charging $97 a month for access to the Landro Inner Circle Library, which I’m sure you’d agree is more than fair since this system is updated often with new stuff and you can request unlimited priority help as a Gold member.

However, since you are here with me today, I want to make this deal a complete no-brainer for you.

I want to prove this system’s effectiveness by getting your results in advance, getting you paid $5,000/month from your next client.

Take just 30 days to send out just a handful of these proposals found in this membership. Open a support ticket once you get a reply, and let me craft a solution for you.

Then, all you have to do is implement the solutions and collect your 5k monthly fee. That means it would take just 5 clients to earn you 25k a month, or 10 clients to earn 50k a month, or even just 20 full-time clients to earn you a total of 100k per month. 

Imagine: that’s $1.2 million a year for giving dedicated service to just 20 happy clients. You can build that. This library of training, resources, and sales material will help. 

And to get you started now, you are getting you a full month’s access to the Landro inner circle for just $27.

That’s an over 70% discount off!

Remember: You will have your first client paying you $5,000/month this time next week once you have used this questionnaire strategy and done the work.

This discount offer is only valid
on this page right now.

You can cancel the membership at any time so there is no risk at all.

Just unlimited access to thousands of dollars worth of software, sales material, and outsourcers for 30 days for a small deposit of just $27

Click the buy button below now:


Once you click, enter your information on the secure checkout page, and I will see you inside. 

You’ll be given instant access to all member benefits and my entire library of solutions so you can get started right now.



…Now, you may have some questions about the Landro Inner Circle Gold Membership, so let’s talk about those.

Here are some questions that other savvy entrepreneurs have asked me in the past:

Q: How soon can I make money?

By following the instructions in these courses, you will be reaching out to prospects and finding out exactly what they want and need. Students have received payments on their first day using these systems by working hard. Others have taken a week or more before they see their first payment. How fast you earn money is almost entirely dependant on how much work you are willing to do.

Q: What if I have no clients?

You can use my top lead sources to find hot clients and get started by following the plan I give you in a course. I share with you the places I find leads, as well as the right places to buy lists. And I include scripts so you don’t have to suffer while thinking of what to say to them. These scripts work just as well booking new clients as they do selling old clients. In fact, you have an advantage, you will start your relationship with a business on the right foot, having them pay you substantially more money than trying to re-sell a client that is accustomed to paying lower fees.

Q: How do I get paid?

Clients can pay you via check, credit card, or PayPal. The fact is, you can collect your fees in any way you feel comfortable. There are many payment solutions available to most people in most locations globally.

Q: Isn’t this business saturated?

Absolutely Not! There are over 30,000,000 businesses out there in the USA …yes 30 Million small businesses in the United States, alone. That’s 99% of all US businesses. According to Forbes, approximately 543,000 new businesses get started each month. Some fail, but many survive, so this client pool grows every year. All businesses need some services, especially new businesses who need everything.  Nearly anybody can provide these services with the right plan to earn an income. There will always be more businesses out there who need help than there will be consultants who can help them, and this membership gives you an open window into how these services are structured, sold, and fulfilled in the growing digital marketing industry.

Q: Are these solutions difficult?

No! Most of these solutions are simple software you can use to provide the service along with detailed step by step instructions on getting them in place. I will also provide you with cheap outsourcers who can do all the work for you if you so choose. Other courses detail business models and solutions with no software and are simply paint-by-numbers processes to find, sell, and service small business clientele.

Q: How is this different than ‘X’ product?

This method works by giving a business owner what they want instead of trying to “shoe-horn” them into buying the latest gimmick. If a client asks for something that is not in this collection, simply reach out to me and tell me what the client is asking for and I will map out a solution for you. This alone makes the Inner Circle Membership the last product you ever need to buy.

Q: Can I contact you directly?

Yes! Once you are a Gold Member, you get priority support in my premium help desk. I answer these tickets personally, so you always have a direct line to me. 

Q: Can I get one-on-one coaching from you?

Yes! If you want to partner directly with me in your business, I usually work with just 5 students per month. Simply open a support ticket to check for an open coaching slot, and I’ll take it from there.

Q: What is the regular monthly price after my trial is over?

The Landro Inner Circle Gold Membership is one of the largest online libraries of proven digital marketing training, sales materials, and coaching. It is the culmination of over 15 years of consulting and digital agency experience by yours truly. The normal fee is $97 per month for access to everything, including my personal priority support, and unlimited access to every product I publish in the future so long as you’re a member. You can cancel any time and are under no obligation to continue your membership, even if you use the priority support system.  

Q: How do I cancel?

You can cancel this yourself at any time through your WarriorPlus or PayPal account. Or you can send me a support ticket and I will handle cancellations promptly. 

Q: Is this membership right for me? 

Anybody willing to dedicate an hour a day following a proven roadmap and training will find this membership extremely helpful and profitable. If you have the time and will, then the outcome will be solely be determined by how much study and how much work you are willing to do. I’ve mapped it out for you, but you must commit to following that map, and have some basic computer skills. 

Q: Are there additional expenses?

Most of the programs you will find in the membership do not require any major additional up-front investments or expenses. Some solutions may optionally require web hosting, a domain, and/or an email auto-responder which are minor expenses and the cost of doing any type of business, all of which often pay for themselves by booking a single client.

Listen: this is your last chance to secure your discounted access to this entire collection.

Over 100,000 new and experienced consultants & work-at-home entrepreneurs have used these courses and my solutions to earn a little side money or build full-time incomes part-time from their kitchen table or small home office.

Click the buy button below and I look forward to seeing you inside:

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